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Bel Air, Maryland Employment Lawyers

Attorneys for Discrimination and Employment Law Issues in Bel Air, MD

Employees across various industries may need to address legal issues related to their employment, their compensation, and their rights. Employers may also need to address these concerns and ensure that they are maintaining the appropriate policies. In Bel Air, Maryland, Freedman Law, LLC can provide legal help with employment law matters, working with employees and employers to address and resolve challenges they may encounter. Our dedicated legal team is committed to protecting the rights of our clients and ensuring that everyone will receive fair treatment in the workplace.

Understanding Different Types of Workplace Discrimination

Employees may encounter discrimination when they receive unfair treatment based on specific protected characteristics. Our employment law attorneys can help employees understand their rights, and we can work with clients to demonstrate that they have been affected by discrimination and pursue justice. We can also provide guidance for employers, helping them take steps to prevent discrimination, respond to employee complaints, and resolve disputes.

Employment discrimination cases may address issues such as:

  • Gender Discrimination: Employee may believe that they have been treated unfairly or differently because of their gender or gender identity. They may have been affected by issues such as unequal pay, denial of promotions, or biased treatment in hiring or job assignments. Gender discrimination may also include sexual harassment, which can create a hostile work environment or place an employee in a position where their jobs are affected if they do not meet the sexual demands of managers or supervisors. Our attorneys can help victims of gender discrimination file complaints with the appropriate agencies and pursue legal remedies to address their financial losses and the ways they have been personally affected.
  • Racial Discrimination: Unfair treatment based on an employee's actual or perceived race, skin color, or ethnicity is a serious form of discrimination. An employee may encounter issues such as racial slurs, exclusion from opportunities, and biased decision-making in hiring, promotions, or compensation. Our attorneys can assist employees in documenting instances of racial discrimination, filing complaints with the appropriate agencies, and recovering compensation for the harm caused.
  • Age Discrimination: Some employees may be treated less favorably because of their age, typically when they are 40 years or older. Discrimination in these cases may involve being passed over for promotions, forced into retirement, or subjected to derogatory comments about age. Our Bel Air employment law attorneys can help employees in these situations file claims and fight for their rights in the workplace.
  • Sexual Orientation Discrimination: There are multiple ways employees may experience unfair treatment based on their sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation. Illegal actions may include harassment, denial of benefits, or unequal treatment in hiring or promotions. Federal and state laws prohibit this form of discrimination, and an attorney can help LGBTQ+ employees file complaints and seek redress for the harm they have suffered.
  • Pregnancy Discrimination: Some employees may be treated unfairly because of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions. They may be denied reasonable accommodations such as private areas to pump breast milk, or they may be terminated after requesting maternity leave. Our lawyers can help ensure that the rights of pregnant employees, new mothers, and other family members are upheld in these situations.
  • Disability Discrimination: Employees may need to address unfair treatment related to physical or mental disabilities. An employer may refuse to provide reasonable accommodations, or an employer may experience issues such as harassment or exclusion from workplace activities. Our employment law attorneys can help disabled employees secure the accommodations they need while addressing any discriminatory practices.

Addressing Other Employment Law Issues

Our legal team can provide the support and representation needed to address multiple other concerns that affect employees and employers, including:

  • Wage Theft: Some employers may not pay employees the wages they are legally owed. Employees may not be properly compensated for overtime they have worked, they may receive less than the minimum wage, or employers may take unauthorized deductions from their paychecks. Our employment law attorneys can help employees recover unpaid wages and seek other remedies from employers who have committed wage theft.
  • Retaliation: There are some situations where employees may be punished for engaging in certain types of activities. Employees have legal protections that allow them to report discrimination or sexual harassment, address safety concerns in the workplace, make government agencies aware of legal violations, or participate in investigations related to these or other issues. Retaliation against employees who engage in protected activities is illegal, and our lawyers can help employees address the harm they have suffered as a result of their employers' unlawful actions.
  • Wrongful Termination: Employees may be fired as a form of retaliation or for other reasons that are illegal. Our attorneys can evaluate the circumstances of a person's termination and take appropriate action to seek justice against an employer who has violated the law.
  • Family Medical Leave: The laws in the United States provide certain employees with the right to take leave when needed in response to medical or personal issues that have affected them or their families. Leave taken under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is typically unpaid, and an employee will have job protections that will allow them to return to their former position or an equivalent job after taking leave. If an employer has denied a request for leave or retaliated against an employee for taking leave, our lawyers can help ensure that the employee's rights will be protected.
  • Non-Compete Agreements and NDAs: Employers may take steps to protect their business interests by asking employees to sign legal agreements that may restrict their ability to work for other companies. Our attorneys can advise employees on how these agreements may affect them, and we can work to negotiate favorable terms or resolve disputes related to violations of employment agreements.
  • Severance Agreements: When an employee is terminated, laid off, or leaves a company for other reasons, employers may ask them to sign a legal agreement that may address issues such as severance pay, confidentiality, and restrictions on competition or solicitation. Our lawyers can work with employees to review the terms of these agreements and negotiate changes, ensuring that their rights are protected and that they will receive fair compensation.

Contact Our Bel Air Employment Law Attorneys

The experienced legal team at Freedman Law, LLC can help our clients protect their rights as they address concerns related to employment law. We can advocate for fair treatment for employees and advise employers on the best ways to resolve disputes and protect their interests. Set up a consultation by contacting us at 410-290-6230.

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