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Fairfax, Virginia Employment Law Attorneys

Lawyers for Severance Agreements and Disability Accommodations in Fairfax, VA

There are numerous legal issues that can affect people in the workplace. Employees who need to address concerns about their rights or resolve disputes with their employers will need to work with an attorney who can help them protect their interests and avoid financial difficulties. Employers will also need to make sure they comply with the applicable laws and regulations so that they can avoid legal pitfalls and maintain a fair work environment. For employees who need to protect their rights or employers who want to ensure that they follow the laws correctly, Freedman Law, LLC can provide strong, effective legal guidance.

Addressing Severance Agreements

When an employee's tenure with a company ends, they may be offered a severance agreement. These agreements often include compensation and benefits in exchange for the employee's commitment to waive certain rights, such as the right to sue the employer. These agreements may include non-disclosure and non-compete clauses that could restrict the types of work the employee will be able to perform for other employers. It is essential for employees to thoroughly review and understand the terms of severance agreements before signing.

Freedman Law, LLC provides valuable assistance to help review and negotiate severance agreements. We take steps to ensure that employees fully understand the implications of these agreements, and we help secure more favorable terms if necessary. We can also assist employers in drafting clear and enforceable severance agreements that protect their interests while complying with the applicable laws.

Employment Discrimination

Employment discrimination is a serious issue that can take many forms, including bias based on race, national origin, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, family status, or pregnancy. Discrimination can play a role in hiring practices, promotions, job assignments, pay, or layoffs and terminations. When employees experience discrimination, it can have a profound impact on their careers and their overall well-being.

Freedman Law, LLC is dedicated to combating employment discrimination. Our lawyers help employees file discrimination complaints or take legal action through the courts if necessary. We work to hold employers accountable for discriminatory practices, fighting to obtain compensation for the harm done to employees and ensuring that our clients can maintain employment in workplaces where they are free from bias and unfair treatment.

Family Medical Leave

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) gives employees of qualifying employers the right to take unpaid leave in certain situations. This leave may be available when an employee needs to receive treatment for serious health issues, when they need to provide care and assistance for other family members, or when they are welcoming new children into their families. An employee should be able to take temporary leave and return to the same position they held previously or another position with equivalent responsibilities and compensation. Despite these protections, employees may encounter problems when requesting FMLA leave, including the denial of leave or the inability to return to their jobs.

Freedman Law, LLC helps employees understand their rights under the FMLA. If an employer violates the law and refuses to provide an employee with leave as required, our lawyers can help take legal action to address these violations. For employers, Freedman Law, LLC offers guidance on complying with FMLA requirements, helping them avoid legal issues and ensuring that they can maintain positive relationships with their employees.

Unpaid Wages and Wage Theft

Employees may experience significant financial difficulties if their employers do not pay the wages they are legally owed. Wage theft can take a variety of forms, including requiring employees to work when they are off the clock, failing to provide additional compensation for overtime, misclassifying workers as independent contractors in order to avoid paying benefits, or intercepting tips meant for employees.

Freedman Law, LLC represents employees who have been victims of wage theft, helping them recover unpaid wages and recover compensation for other types of damages they have suffered. Our attorneys can also advise employers on their requirements under the applicable wage and hour laws, ensuring that they maintain compliance and helping reduce the risks of wage-related disputes.

Wrongful Termination

Employers may violate employment laws when firing, laying off, or otherwise terminating employees. Wrongful termination may be based on discrimination, or employers may fire employees for other illegal reasons, such as for filing workers' compensation claims or reporting safety violations in the workplace. Being wrongfully terminated can be a distressing experience, and affected employees may experience financial losses and other issues that affect their ability to find and maintain employment in the future.

Freedman Law, LLC provides legal support to employees who believe they have been wrongfully terminated. Our lawyers can investigate the circumstances surrounding terminations and help employees pursue claims or lawsuits against their former employers. For employers, Freedman Law, LLC offers advice on lawful termination practices to minimize the risk of wrongful termination claims, and we can provide representation when addressing these disputes.


Employees may encounter situations where employers penalize or terminate them because they have engaged in legally protected activities, such as filing complaints about discrimination, participating in sexual harassment investigations, reporting fraud or other legal violations, or requesting disability accommodations. Retaliation can take multiple forms, including demotion, reduction in work hours or pay, other negative changes to the employee's job conditions, or termination.

Freedman Law, LLC helps employees who have experienced retaliation pursue legal remedies and seek reinstatement to a former position or compensation for financial losses or other negative effects. We can also advise employers on how to handle employee complaints and investigations in a way that minimizes the risk of retaliation claims.

Sexual Harassment

While employers and employees understand that sexual harassment in the workplace is illegal, many employees continue to be affected by this issue. Employees who experience sexual harassment or make complaints to employers may experience retaliation or other issues that affect their rights, their income, and their well-being.

Freedman Law, LLC provides compassionate legal representation for victims of sexual harassment. Our attorneys work to hold employers accountable for failing to protect their employees' safety or not responding to complaints correctly. We can help victims take steps to recover compensation for the emotional, psychological, and financial harm they have suffered due to sexual harassment. We can also help employers implement policies to prevent sexual harassment and make sure they respond to employee complaints correctly.

Contact Our Fairfax, VA Employment Lawyers

Whether you are an employee who needs to protect your rights or an employer seeking to resolve employment law disputes, Freedman Law, LLC can provide the assistance needed to address these issues effectively. Our attorneys can provide skilled legal representation to help ensure that our clients can achieve favorable outcomes to these matters. Reach out to our firm by calling 410-290-6230 and scheduling a consultation.

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