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Manassas, Virginia Employment Lawyers

Legal Assistance With Discrimination Claims in the Workplace in Manassas, VA

Employees and employers in Manassas, Virginia may need to address complex employment laws that govern many aspects of the workplace. These laws protect employees from discriminatory practices and other types of unlawful treatment. At the same time, they provide employers with guidelines for fair and legal management of their workforce. Whether you are an employee who has had your rights violated or an employer who needs to address your legal requirements, an experienced attorney can help you understand how you may be affected by employment laws.

Freedman Law, LLC provides dedicated legal representation for employees and employers in a variety of employment law cases. Our lawyers can provide the guidance and support necessary to resolve disputes, ensure compliance, and protect your rights.

Legal Assistance With Discrimination Claims

Discrimination in the workplace can take many forms, but it is prohibited by law. Employees have protections against unfair treatment based on their gender, race, age, disability, sexual orientation, pregnancy, and other protected characteristics. Discrimination may occur in various ways, such as wrongful termination, failure to promote, unequal pay, or hostile work environments.

If you believe you have suffered financial losses or other forms of harm because of discrimination, Freedman Law, LLC can help you pursue a legal claim and seek justice. Discrimination claims often require substantial evidence, and our attorneys will work with you to gather the necessary documentation, file the appropriate complaints, and represent you in negotiations or court proceedings. We are committed to helping employees hold their employers accountable for illegal discrimination, and we can also assist employers in responding to allegations of discrimination.

Retaliation by Employers

Employees are protected from retaliation when they exercise their legal rights, such as reporting harassment or discrimination or filing a complaint about wage and hour violations. However, employers retaliate against employees by demoting them, reducing their hours, or even terminating them wrongfully. Employees who face this type of treatment can pursue legal action to recover compensation for their financial losses and other damages.

Retaliation can create a hostile work environment and dissuade employees from speaking out about unlawful practices. Freedman Law, LLC helps employees stand up against employer retaliation and protect their rights. We can also work with employers who have been accused of retaliation or wrongful termination, helping them resolve disputes with current or former employees.

Addressing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Employees may face personal harm, emotional trauma, or career setbacks if they are subject to sexual harassment. Unwelcome sexual advances, inappropriate comments, or other unlawful behavior can create a hostile or offensive work environment, and these issues can also lead to emotional trauma and other concerns that may affect an employee's career and their overall well-being.

Freedman Law, LLC can help employees take legal action to address the harm they have suffered due to sexual harassment and hold employers accountable for allowing this type of behavior. Our attorneys can also help employers respond to sexual harassment claims, take the correct steps to enforce sexual harassment policies, and resolve these issues successfully.

Wage Disputes and Unpaid Wages

Wage and hour violations can affect an employee's financial stability. Employers are required by law to pay employees for the work they perform, including paying at least the minimum wage and providing overtime pay when applicable. Unfortunately, wage theft, including withholding pay or failing to provide overtime, is a common problem that many employees face.

Employees in Manassas who are victims of wage theft can take legal action to recover unpaid wages. Freedman Law, LLC can help employees address issues related to unpaid overtime, withheld wages, or misclassification as an independent contractor. We can also provide representation for employers in these situations, helping them take steps to protect their interests.

Family Medical Leave Issues

Depending on the size of an employer, employees may have the right to take unpaid leave for certain family or medical reasons, such as the birth of a child, caring for a family member with a serious health condition, or recovering from a personal illness. Some employers may unlawfully deny employees their right to take family medical leave, or they may engage in unlawful retaliation against employees.

Freedman Law, LLC can help employees in Manassas understand their rights and take legal action to address concerns about family medical leave. Whether an employer has unlawfully denied a leave request or retaliated against an employee for taking time off, our lawyers can help employees receive the benefits and protections they are entitled to.

Severance Agreements

Contracts between employers and employees may be used to address how certain issues will be handled after a person departs from a company. Severance agreements often include provisions for severance pay, continued benefits, and other forms of compensation in exchange for the employee waiving their right to sue the employer and agreeing to non-compete or non-disclosure clauses. It is important to carefully review severance agreements before signing, as they can have significant legal and financial implications.

Freedman Law, LLC can review a severance agreement to ensure that an employee's rights are protected. Our attorneys can help negotiate better terms, and we can work with employers or employees to address situations involving alleged breaches of employment agreements.

Contact Our Manassas Employment Law Attorneys

When dealing with issues related to employment law in Manassas, Virginia, Freedman Law, LLC is here to help employees and employers resolve disputes and address other legal concerns. Our lawyers can provide the legal representation needed to protect our clients' rights. Contact our office by calling 410-290-6230 to schedule a consultation.

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